How to choose the right pallet racking

Heavy-duty shelf products in storage shelves are also commonly used shelf types for enterprises. Heavy-duty shelves can be divided into several types of products on the shelves. In the development of enterprises, especially large enterprises, shelves must be used to store goods. Heavy-duty shelves have become indispensable storage equipment for enterprises. So in the face of so many types of heavy-duty shelves, how to choose the right one?

It is important to choose heavy-duty shelves. When placing goods, in the same warehouse area, using shelves can place more goods, so we can see the importance of shelves. Generally, shelves are widely used in some industrial warehouses. Because of the emphasis on upward development, the shelves used can make full use of the space of each warehouse, and the maximum height can reach more than 40 meters. It can be seen that the advantages of heavy shelves are still great.

Heavy-duty racks are divided into several types according to their different structures. The first is the beam type shelf. The advantage of beam type shelves is convenient access and very fast speed. They can be first in, first out, and the space utilization rate of this kind of shelf is 30% to 50%. There is also a dense heavy-duty rack, which is a drive-in rack, which can store goods in high density. Its storage mode is also first-in-first-out, but the space utilization rate is much higher than that of the beam type.

Buy heavy-duty shelves, you can also choose gravity shelves. This kind of shelf adopts a free access design, so it is very efficient when the inventory flows. He can pick up the goods according to the order, and the speed is very fast, the space utilization rate is as high as 60%.

In fact, in addition to the several types introduced above, there are also good types of heavy-duty shelves. There is no uniform standard for choosing which type is suitable. It is recommended that the shelf manufacturers customize them. Nowadays, shelf manufacturers have custom-made shelf services, and enterprises can save a lot of worry.

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  • Post time: Sep-29-2020