Teardrop pallet racks offer direct access to each pallet, simple inventory management and versatility. Upright frame is a fundamental component of pallet rack. We supply columns are available in multiple sizes and thickness offering a wide variety of load-carrying capacities to match your need and application.Our teardrop beam-to-column connection is designed to be compatible with other widely available teardrop systems.

●Bolted and welded types available
●Easy one-step beam installation with no special tools or training required
●Beam and column locking system provides exceptional protection against damage, tampering, and accidental disengagement
●Durable powder coating and baked enamel finishes ensure long life even under the most demanding conditions
Main structure
Welded Type Upright Frame
There are two types of the teardrop pallet rack frame which are welded and bolted. Welded type frame is fully welded structure to shorten installation time and reduce its costs and no tools required. The anchor holes can be offset in the bottom. That is compatibility with other widely available teardrop systems. 2 inch length can be adjust in the frame and increased impact resistance.

Bolted Type Upright Frame
Bolted frame is easy to assemble. The bolted frame has variety of gauges, length and configurations. The footplate is optional. Due to the bolted character, this type of frame is more resistant to twisting, separating and axial loading.
Racking step beams are available in many profiles, in virtually any length. Max capacity is up to 14,000 lbs. per pair calculated based on the requirement of the current RMI specification. Teardrop pallet rack provides a robust, patented, automatic lock for improved safety. Our safety lock has been pre-installed at the factory which provides positive beam-to-column engagement and improves installation work efficiency.
Support Crossbar
In the double-depth rack, due to the limitation of high operation line of sight, the following depth cargos cannot be set perfectly. Pallet support bars prevent the security threat if pallet cannot be set up correctly.
Wire Mesh Deck
The wire mesh decking solutions are designed to provide additional safety for pallet rack application throughout your warehouse. We maintain the largest inventory of wire mesh decking in the world, and we manufacture custom sizes and styles for all storage and pallet rack requirements.
Real Cases of Teardrop Pallet Rack
Adjustable Metal Wire Shelving
Spieth Storage Push-back pallet racking system